How to Prepare for Your First Mortgage Application

Everyone dreams of having their own home, and what better time to start that dream than the new year! The pandemic is slowly being managed, and people see new hope coming in. Maybe it is also a sign that it is time to try and get a mortgage to start your ideal life.

The last thing you want, though, is for your mortgage application to get rejected. If you are planning to get a successful mortgage application in 2022, early preparation is the key. Here are some things you can do to increase your chances of getting approved.

●     Prepare Your Deposit

The competition is high among dream homeowners because of the decrease in the number of available mortgage slots. If you want to land on one successfully, you have to be one of the best applicants possible. One way to do that is to have your deposit money ready.

Deposits are a requirement in almost every loan or mortgage provider, with the rate as the only varying factor. Try to save up at least money worth 10 per cent of the property value you aim to purchase. While saving, remember that your future house depends on it! That would help motivate you a lot!

●     Look for the Best Deal

It is so easy to get attached to deals that have the lowest offered interest rates. But they are not the best all the time. Some of these reasonable offers have hidden charges that would only be additional expenses for you. Instead of getting surprised later, consider making more inquiries. There is nothing wrong with looking for the best deal possible. You get to see how others quote for their loans, and you can make easy comparisons.

●     Prepare Your Miscellaneous Budget

It always pays to have extra money for additional expenses. Homebuying is not cheap at all, and the costs do not stop once you get approval. In fact, that is just the beginning.

If you want the home buying experience to push through smoothly, make sure that you are financially ready in all aspects possible. That way, you can guarantee that your home buying process will be a victory until the end.

It may not be easy to do, especially if you have to save for your deposit, but remember that there are other expenses expected. Keep your focus and budget your money wisely.

●     Use Your Money Well

The number one factor that lenders look for when choosing applicants is whether they are reliable loaners or not. To gauge that, they look at each financial record. How are they able to keep up with paying their credit card? Do they have any unused bank accounts? How is their credit score? These are some things you need to also prepare for.

The more responsible you are with managing your money, the higher your chances of getting your mortgage approved. But a low credit score and other concerns are not necessarily an automatic no for loan providers. The right mortgage provider can still give you offers and workarounds for these kinds of situations, so do not lose hope!


Doing anything for the first time can be nerve-wracking, especially if it involves your future home. However, it should not be like this, especially for first-time homebuyers. There will always be a proven method for buying a house that people need to know to get accepted to a mortgage program successfully. Some of these are enumerated in this article. Still, the case for everyone is different.

If you are looking for first-time homebuyer programs that can increase your chances of approval, we can help. A Move Brokers is your team of residential experts to help you achieve that goal. Nothing is impossible with the right advice and guidance from local mortgage advisors who know the ins and outs of the first-time homebuyers’ loan process. Contact us today!


This article is for information only and should not be seen as advice or a recommendation to act. 

As a mortgage is secured against your home or property, it may be repossessed if you do not keep up the mortgage repayments.